Class Rooms
Seminars, Classrooms with spacious seating capacity with utmost personal attention to the students, counseling workshop splay a significant role in over all personality development here by enhancing. Faculty members emphasize both theory and practice in the class rooms,
Course Outline & Medium of Instruction B.Sc. Syllabus and general course out line as prescribed by the Rajeev Gandhi University of Health & Sciences, Bangalore, Indian Nursing Counsil (INC) Delhi GNM, INC, NEW DELHI, KNC, Bangalore, KSDNEB, Bangalore is followed in our College and with regard to this we meet the requirements fully. The medium of instruction in the college is English. Classrooms and clinical lectures are given by eminent nursing tutors, clinical instructors and doctors. Lecturers on specialities will be given by specialist in field. During the training period students are also assigned hospital duties for their clinical experience in various departments such as all medical, surgical, pediatric obst gynaecology, ortho and other specialities. Major OT Minor OT, Dental, Eye/ENT, Burns and plastic neonatology with Nursery communicable diseas, Health Nursing, Cardiology, Oncology, Neurology/Neuro-Surgery, Nephrology etc., ICU/ICCU and community Health Nursing and family welfare works from a part of the training.